Sunday, September 26, 2010

Welcome, Asiagonites, to Cheese No Chaser. FIRST REVIEW: Dubliner, the Irish Temptress

Welcome fans to Cheese No Chaser: the highest authority on all things coagulated and delicious. Unapologetic, committed to truthiness, and arguably one of the most ruggedly handsome cheese blogs in existence, this place is no playground for the lactose intolerant.

This is Chaser's first review. Your welcome.

Prepare to enter the no-vegan zone (get it?)


"Aged with a distinct taste"
-Cow's Milk
-Aged 12 months
-Imported from Ireland

Looking at Dubliner on an extensive cheese rack, this little Irish brick wouldn’t look like anything extraordinary. In fact, I’d imagine that if I introduced lil’ Dubliner to George Bluth Sr., of the immortal Arrested Development, he might respond with a classic, “her?” But, unlike Anne Veal, Dubliner is a modest looker worth much more than meets the eye.

And it won’t run off with your uncle.

Laying hands on this pale little cheese for the first time was interesting. The thin powdery layers were mildly spongy, pliable and resilient. This is a cheese that bends before it breaks. And while certainly not a soft cheese, Dubliner is definitely the right amount of tear on first bite. Looking at the soft white, I recalled an episode of Doug, where Doug desperately wants Sky Davis Air Jet shoes, but learns that he’s much happier with his comfortable old sneakers.

There are a lot of Sky Davis Air cheeses in the world, but Dubliner is definitely an old friend.

Dubliner’s scent is far from strong, but rather, a subtle and enticing aroma. The kind of cheese that you never second-guess taking a bite of, for sure. When cut with a knife, the delicate outer layer crumbles, releasing a rich but certainly not overpowering olfactory treat.

Like anyone who has ever had sex with Jessica Alba, this cheese has nothing to prove.

Finally biting into a slice of Dubliner is like the 3rd date of any sitcom relationship. From first look , to first kiss, to finally going all the way, this cheese-tease is definitely more than a one night stand. After an initial shyness, Dubliner begins rolling over the tongue in waves of flavor. Tart at the beginning, this Irish lass begs to be courted, revealing more and more as time drifts by. Distinctly, Dubliner clings to the palette, leaving a rich and pleasant aftertaste: the cool cigarette after a tryst of passion.

Closing your eyes with Dubliner on the tongue is an experience. I found myself teleported to the icy face of a sheer cliff, 500 yards below the summit. I felt cold and afraid at first, being somewhere so new, but the Dubliner on my tongue was warm; it’s the last of my provisions, packed by my beloved back home. She’s a milk maid, and the Dubliner is as smooth as her skin.

After some deliberation, Cheese No Chaser gave Dubliner 4 out of 5 cubes. It’s good to know that if the Irish run out of beer, they can still get drunk on cheese.